Program Overview
Become one of the select few that can influence an entire organisation.This program is specifically designed for the senior finance professional seeking maximum impact in influencing the strategic and operational plans of their organisations. Present to a mock Board of DirectorsIn the capstone event of this program, participants deliver a presentation to a distinguished mock Board of Directors, receiving valuable coaching from a panel of experienced executives with extensive experience in influencing their organisations’ directions. Learn from an expert influencerFacilitated by the internationally renowned Joshua Klayman, currently a professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, this three day program is interactive, practical, intense and rewarding. |
Learning objectives
Achieve organisational alignment
Create stakeholder consensus
Optimise executive decisions
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FacilitatorJoshua KlaymanJoshua Klayman is an expert in managerial and organisational behavior. He has taught and consulted on topics such as leading and implementing change, enabling and encouraging creativity and innovation, designing and managing effective teams, motivating people to care about their work, maximising knowledge and learning in organisations, improving decision making and judgment, and developing effective leadership. Access full biography |