This is the recording of the Superannuation and SMSF live webinar held on the 20 February 2024 providing up-to-date information on topic “Superannuation Guarantee obligations”.
Superannuation Guarantee obligations
Despite the increased payroll technology available, we are still seeing employers making mistakes and missing deadlines which can result in penalties and the loss of valuable tax deductions. We will work through the complex web of rules and due dates to help you have proactive discussions with your employer clients. The webinar will also help you understand the rights of your employee clients when it comes to their employer superannuation contributions.
This webinar was expertly delivered by TaxBanter Trainers , providing a pragmatic understanding and application of complex superannuation and SMSF issues by integrating industry experience with deep technical knowledge.
This recorded webinar is 1 CPD hour.
You will be able to access the learning materials under “Resources” section.
IMPORTANT: You will have access to the recording and learning materials for a period of 6 months from the date of enrolment. Extensions to this timeframe will not be provided.
Learning objectives
By the end of this session, you will be able to explain:
- Recent SG changes
- SG rate increase
- Salary sacrifice super no longer reduces SG
- Contractor v employee
- How to calculate SGC
This recorded webinar is suitable for public practitioners, financial planners and anyone needing an update on the various topics relating to Superannuation and SMSFs.