Most accountants spend a lot of time focusing on the costs within their business, but less on revenue generation. A key factor in maintaining or increasing revenues is pricing. It is important to consider the range of strategies available for setting prices, and evaluate whether they will be beneficial to your organisation.
This course outlines a variety of pricing approaches, and shows how they can be integrated into an organisation’s strategic position and its day-to-day operational requirements.
Key topics:
- Pricing techniques
- Linking pricing with strategic position and competitive strategy
- Integrating pricing and budgeting
- Pricing rules and regulations
This course consists of one hard copy learning manual and one online assessment.
Want to know more? Click below to view a sample of the learning manual:
- Identify and evaluate the main pricing techniques
- Calculate prices based on the main pricing techniques
- Link pricing techniques to strategic positioning and competitive strategy
- Describe the importance of integrating pricing into the budgeting process
- Outline how customer demand responds to variations in pricing
- Explain the impact of competitor decisions on pricing
- Communicate with various stakeholders regarding pricing
- Interpret scenario models to determine prices based on elasticity
- Create financial models that help evaluate different pricing scenarios
- Observe pricing rules and regulations (specifically anti-competitive trade practices such as price-fixing and resale price maintenance)
This learning manual is designed for people working in corporate entities, small to medium enterprises and not-for-profits, in areas such as management accounting, financial management and financial control.