In addition to supporting reporting and decision making, key performance indicators (KPIs) are a powerful tool for aligning an organisation’s day-to-day operations with their overarching strategy.
The aim of this course is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to develop appropriate KPIs based on an interpretation of an organisation’s strategy, as well as to successfully implement a KPI reporting system.
Regular monitoring and management reporting of business performance are central to the accountability of the finance and accounting function in corporate, government, not-for-profit and large SME environments. This course seeks to equip you not only with leading contemporary management reporting theory but, more importantly, the skills required to develop, implement and deliver strategically-linked executive management reports.
This course covers four key areas:
- An introduction to KPIs
- KPIs and the organisation
- The relationship between strategy, activities and KPIs
- Implementing a KPI reporting system
It concludes with an action plan for you to complete and implement in your own workplace.
This course consists of one hard copy learning manual and one online assessment.
Want to know more? Click below to view a sample of the learning manual:
- Describe performance measures and KPIs
- Describe the importance of linking KPIs to an organisation’s strategy
- Identify critical success factors and describe an organisation’s strategy
- Establish cause-effect relationships between activities throughout an organisation and with strategic outcomes
- Develop performance measures and KPIs that are relevant, reliable and timely
- Use tools and techniques that support the linking of KPIs to strategy
- Create and implement a KPI reporting system that supports the strategic aims of the organisation