A healthy banking sector is crucial to the health of a developed economy. Banks' oil the wheels' of the economy through providing credit and funding. The financial crisis highlighted the damage that poor risk management can cause to both individual banks and the overall financial system. While there is nothing new about bank risk (banks have been failing since they were invented), something clearly went awry as the events of 2007-09 testify.
This course describes in detail the identification, measurement, and management of the main categories of risk to which banks are exposed, namely the following; interest rate risk, market risk, liquidity risk, counterparty credit risk (CCR). Credit risk is covered in a separate course. It also describes the use of stress tests as a supplement to other risk measures, as well as the role of risk in setting a bank’s business strategy and the importance of a risk management framework.
- Risk Management - An Introduction
- Risk Management - Risk Types & Measurement
- Interest Rate Risk - Measurement
- Interest Rate Risk - Management
- Market Risk - Measurement
- Market Risk - Management
- Liquidity Risk - Measurement
- Liquidity Risk – Management
- Counterparty credit risk (CCR) - an introduction
- Counterparty credit risk (CCR) - measurement
- Counterparty credit risk (CCR) - management
- Stress testing - an introduction
- Risk Management - Business Strategy & Risk Decision-Making
Click here for a full description of each course.
These courses form part of the Intuition short course suite.