This course comprises seven essential topics that outline the broad field of financial risk management. It will discuss in detail key concepts and principles underpinning financial risk management to help accounting and finance professionals, managers, directors and Boards of organisations understand and apply these in practical business situations. Having a thorough grasp of these principles is vital as it ensures your organisation is equipped with the appropriate systems and process for effective financial risk management.
This course consists of one hard copy learning manual and one online assessment.
Want to know more? Click below to view a sample of the learning manual:
Assess financial risk and establish prudent financial risk management in your own organisation
Explain and identify market, credit, operational, legal, regulatory and reputation risk
Create effective risk mitigation strategies
Discuss assessing credit worthiness, managing credit portfolio risk and credit default risk
Accounting and finance professionals, other managers, directors and Boards of organisations wanting to understand financial risk and manage this risk effectively.